By now most of you have heard more than you care to hear on the ‘Leaked’ draft opinion that will over turn Roe v. Wade of the upcoming . An before you ask, no I haven’t read it yet, it is over 90 pages long and as you all know I’m a painfully slow reader. So what I’m working from is what has been quoted in new reports. Also this is just a draft, not the actual option.
First off, if this opinion actually does over turn Roe v. Wade I think it will be one of the biggest mistakes made by the Conservative Movement has ever made. Even greater than letting Donald J. Trump get elected. Just from the morning news this one act is motivating not only the Left but also the independent voters. This is both direct and personal to many voters who rarely pay any attention to midterm elections. These are the voters that MAGA/Conservative Movement want to stay home Election Day so their motivated voters will control who gets elected. An give the traditional small turn out for midterms it will not take a lot of fence sitters to have a big effect.
Winning the “Right to Life” (more on that in my next posting) could be the worst thing to happen to the GOP.