Category Archives: General

Since I don’t like uncategorized as a category for my post, I use general for anything I write that doesn’t fall into any specific categories.

And Now For Something Different


I thought I’d take some time to discuss some of the problems that Trump and his SCOTUS will be facing in the years to come. These issues wouldn’t really matter except for the political myths in this country. Things like the law treats everyone the same and no-one is above or beyond the reach of the law. Basically our belief in fair play.

This “Presidential Immunity” is definitely something the average man is not going to like once he becomes aware of it. It smells to much like King Charles I defense “the King can do no Wrong” for my taste. But beyond that the right is going to have a problem with how to deal with it if Harris wins come November. Just imagine what a “liberal” can do if they have total immunity for “Official” Presidential acts? What I’d first see being done is coming up with a very very limited definition of “Official Acts”. The problem they face is that someday, when a “Conservative” is elected they will not want to limit his/her actions. This is a classic problem fact by Authoritarians; you want to give the Autocrat as much unlimited power when they will do what you want and limit the power as much as possible when you think they will do things you don’t want.

So eventually SCOTUS is going to face having to either take what ever definition of “Official Acts” a lower court comes up with or develop one of their own. Neither options is very palatable to this court. They face the traditional issue of having several different, and maybe quite different, definitions to select from. None of them very palatable. If so, then they face the problem selecting one or coming up with their own. Which leaves them with the problem of taking the heat for what they rule. An given just how much a “Hot Button” issue Presidential Immunity” threatens to become I think they will be loath to do it.

One thing that could happen is they could put things off till a few more new Justices are added to the court. This could really work well if the people selected are not on the renowned Heritage Foundation Judges list. Then the court could do several things, including reversing the ruling completely. They can also hope that the proposed idea of a constitutional amendment to remove the immunity comes to pass.

This last is what I hope for and I’ve lost faith in the good since of any of the people put forth if the Heritage Foundation approves of them.

It’s The End Of The World, As We Know It!

The GOP elephant is on his deathbed.

With all of the machinations happening with several state election boards recently to make things confusing. It is fairly obvious that the goal is to have enough of the Electoral College ballots contested to throw the election to the congress. For those of you out there who did not know this would mean that the House of Representatives would select the President and the Senate would select the Vice President. To make maters even crazier in both cases each State gets one vote.

What this means is that both the most populous states have the same voice in selecting the president. States like California, New York, and Texas have exactly the same vote as states like Vermont, South Dakota, Delaware. This also means, given that we have 50 states, the winner needs, at a minimum, 26 Sates voting for them. This is what many people thought Donald Trump was after in 2020. Like most of Trumps great plans it has some problems.

First is that the Republicans don’t have a majority it the delegations of 26 states. The have around 22/23. In several states the number of Republicans and Democrats is almost equal, needling only one or two delegates to switch to change the results. Another problem is that, at this time, we have no clear idea of what the new House of Representatives will look like. The Democrats just might win control of the House by wining seats in states that have a small margin of control for the Republicans. Given the performance of the current House Republican leadership I don’t expect a well run election.

So let’s run a little “thought experiment”: Election is thrown into the House and the House selects Trump but the Democrats gain control of the House and keep the Senate. Now add in that Walz is elected Vice President. Just what would the next four years look like? The last time this happened in our history we ended up with many years of very poor government and the rise of the Jim Crow south. to me, it sounds like something out of those nightmare novels where the country goes crazy.

Just think, a President who was not elected by anything even looking vaguely like a vote of the people. With a Congress in control of the party that “lost” the election. Now add in the President has almost total immunity from prosecution for his “official” acts, without a working definition of “Official”.

I can see it now: the House starts to impeach President Trump and Trump orders the Army to arrest all Representatives who he thinks would vote for impeachment. The Army officer corps declines till he gets down to captains and lieutenants. Now what happens? What if the generals face the troops in front of the Capital? Would SCOTUS hold that the orders were “Lawful”? What if they don’t? Instead of the Army Trump uses the US Marshals or the FBI?

Get the picture? It’s the end of the world as we know it.

Understanding MAGAs


To start off, I use the term MAGA and MAGAs for all those Americans who support Donald J Trump. It is not just a new label for Republicans or Conservatives. My problem was working out just how to understand, to define if you will, what it is about them, other than their support for Trump that makes them MAGA. If it is just that they support Trump then we have very little to worry about as Trump does not have that many years left, like anyone in their 70’s, and once he is gone things will change. But what if it is more, then it is quite conceivable that once Trump is no longer on the scene they will find someone else to idolize and follow.

This last thing is what worries me. I want to find out what makes MAGA “MAGA”. If it is just a cult of personality, fine we can live thru that. But if it is an ideology, then we have problems. Ideologies are hard to get rid of. Just look at the trouble our parents had dealing with both fascism and communism if you are wondering.

First thing to note is that in all of Trump’s writings he has never written anything like Mein Kampf or any political thesis of any kind. In fact he has gone so far as to prevent the Republicans in 2020 from having a statement of Political Platform other than saying the support what ever Donald J Trump wants. A this year the Republican’s platform reads like pablum. It is the classic “God, Country, and Motherhood” document. This leads me to give one mark to the Personally Cult side of the ledger. On the other hand we have things like the Heritage Foundation and it’s Project 2025 document that is a very well written statement of goals and policies. Most if not all I disagree with and I am down right opposed to many of the goals.

What is even worse is just how both the leaders of the Heritage Foundation leaders talks about the 2nd American Revolution at that it will be “bloodless if the left lets it.” This sounds so much like the classic abuser telling the victim(s) “Look what you made me do!” What’s next? “Do what we want or we will use our 2nd Amendment rights to make you.” An in case you haven’t read “Project 2025” I recommend you do. But be warned it is quite long and not an easy read. Take this from someone who has read both “Das Capital” and “Mien Kampf” (yes, in English translations). W@hat I have read is both enlightening and frightening. But more of that when I’ve read it.

So what I can say right now is the biggest problem in understanding just who and what MAGA is and what is stands for is few are saying anything and what is being said is both confusing and contradictory. There for I shall keep working on it and see just what I can figure out as more come to light.

Wish me luck.

The Shape of Things To Come

A return to the Good Old Days

With the ruling on “TRUMP Vs. United States of America” coming down yesterday I thought I’d put my two cents worth in. I’m not going to talk about all the BIG issues of giving the President “Total Immunity” for his “Official” acts as I think they are all being covered by people much better qualified to talk about them. I’m going to look at the small but troublesome issues that just might have more lasting effects.

First let us just look at a very simple question not even touched in the ruling. Does the Presidential Immunity apply to all laws and jurisdictions? If so, why and how? If not, why and how.

Now let us look at the position of an “Staffer” or “Cabinet” member while in consultation with the President is told by the President to commit an act that is clearly in violation of federal law. Does presidential immunity extend to cover the person or persons committing the act ordered by the President. If not, could the President issue a Pardon to the person(s) so ordered before they act or does He/She have to wait until after the act is committed?

Head hurting yet? Well last just take one more…Just what is an Official Act? Is it anything that the person who is President does? Most likely not as the ruling does talk about both official and unofficial acts. But I have yet to see any test in the ruling to just what makes an act Official.

We will have to wait and see just how the Court deals with this in the years to come. Because they will have to deal with it. They have just knocked over a crate of eggs and now they will have to see just how many are broken.

What Trumps Next Term Might Look Like

I know it is not very smart to take Donald J Trump at his word but I am just this once, at lest in part. He has said he will be a dictator for the first day he is in office. May people think he is saying he will be a dictator for just one day. But he didn’t say that. So just what can we expect to see. Here are some of my thoughts.

First, if the MAGA gets complete control of the House of Representatives. By this I mean they have between 300 and 350 of the seats. A control of the Senate, 60 seats. They will, by the current rules, refuse to seat any non-party, not a MAGA Republican, in either or both Houses of Congress. This can and should be done before Trump is sworn in. These actions, while undemocratic are legal by both the House and Senate Rules.

Once MAGA has in questionable control of the Congress things will start to get interesting. It will all depend on how much MAGA will want to seem doing things thru the law or not. If they want to take on the veneer of legality they will need to pass laws. For example, to ”Clean House” in the DOJ they could just order the termination of all “Liberal” employees. With out changing the Civil Service Law(s) this would open up the administration a mountain of law suits. This could be handled if they first cleaned out the federal judiciary of all questionable judges. Again, if the law is not changed there could be a lot of law suits. So I for see quite a few laws being changed rather rapidly. But even moving as fast as they possible can the Congress will take some time, many weeks if not months, to get done.

What I would first expect to see is a change in the law(s) governing how the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) works so it can exert tighter control over cable news and social media. After all they will not want the average citizen getting “false” news from the “Libertard” media. The problem with this is that a lot of the social media is done by companies owned by people who will not want the government sticking its nose into their business. Don’t believe it? Just think about how Eon Musk would react to the FCC telling “X” how to select what is shown?

Once both the cable media and social media are brought into line it will be the turn for the MilItary to bought to heal. I’m not sure how this could be done. One thing for sure is the oath taken by all members of the services will need to be changed, especially for the officers. They will have to get rid of the phrase “Lawful Orders” for sure. But I’m not sure how well removing the constitution will sit with people. Maybe changing “constitution” “government”? This might work and could be done to all oaths that government workers have to take.

Another easy fix is just to change the civil service act to enable a return to the spoils system of the 19th century. I’m not enough of a lawyer to work out how this could be done but I am sure it can be done. At the same time we can also change the laws on what an employer can fire a person for so that no termination can be challenged, ever. Just think of it, a boss can fire female employee for refusing him sex. Or for not committing a criminal act. More power to the Boss’.

Most of this can be handled in the first year of the Congress and then things will really start to get interesting. Having each State create it’s own Establish Church sounds good. I wonder if we could get it so only members of the State’s Established Church has the franchise or better yet be a citizen of the state? Wait, that might need an amendment to the constitution.

Well that’s enough of a nightmare for now. Sweet Dreams.

Some Thoughts on Technology

Workers in Metropolis
Workers in Metropolis

For sometime now I’ve been thinking about all the people who complain about “Modern” Technology or just Technology in general. Mostly it is people around my age who are complaining and upon a closer look what they are really complaining about is that they don’t understand all this “new” technology and seem to resent having to ask for help. Especially from their grand kids. This I can understand, no one likes feeling or looking dependent, but that is not what I’m going to talk about today.

Today I’m going to be addressing those out there who don’t like technology. Those who think things were better 50, 100, 500 years ago. Back when things were “simpler”. You find theses people scattered about the political spectrum, left, right, center. What does happen is, from time to time, they anti-technology ideology gets drafted by one side or the other. Way back when I was a 20’s something the anti-technology thoughts where mostly on the left. Then, years later it was on the right. Now it seems to be about evenly spread over the spectrum. But it looks like the right is finding anti-technology to be the thing to sell.

This seems to be because the right, as it often is, supported by the people with, or think they have, or should have, lots of money and power. A right now fair number of the biggest corporations are being threatened with change. And the things changing are not something they control, or even really understand. But, again, this is not what I’m going to talk about.

I’m talking about is that the creation and use of technology is one of the key things that make us Human. As we gain more and more knowledge about how the earliest hominids lived we are finding more and more evidence that they used technology. When I assert this I often get “are you saying “cavemen” had technology? A Yes that is exactly what I’m saying. The moment one of are ancestors picked up a rock and threw it to kill some pray we were using technology. Even more so when he/she started selecting rocks to throw for how easy they were to throw but how effective they were in taking down the prey. The first time we napped a rock to make a sharp edge we were ‘inventing’ new technology. This is what humans do. We create technology and we change the world we live in with it.

What is deferent now is we are becoming much more aware of what effects the new, and old, technology has. We are becoming more aware of unforeseen and/or unintended side effects of using technology. An we are now asking the question(s) is this what we want? Can we do it deferentially so that the side effects are mitigated someway? Or can we do something else for the same effect that doesn’t have the side effect we don’t want. An even more so now, we ask the question of “If we do ‘X’ what effects, other than the one we want, will happen and do we really want that?

These are not easy question to ask, much less, answer. The major reason is it forces us to look beyond the immediate results, why we created the new technology, to what it can do latter. It is not something we find easy to do. Worse, it is not something we train people to do as a matter of habit. Not like we train them to look and see if what they want to do can be ‘Monetized’. An if you don’t think this is done, just go to any ‘pitch’ meeting for a tech company. After we get passed the ‘What is it?’ And the ‘What good is it?’ We get the ‘How much profit will it make?’ Followed by ‘How Soon?’

So to everyone out there, get over not liking all the Newfangled Technologies. It is what we do. I recommend you start encouraging the young ones around you to help you figure out how you can use it to make your life both happier and just a bit nicer.

An Now for Something Positive

Supreme Count of the United States
Formal group photograph of the Supreme Court as it was been comprised on June 30, 2022 after Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson joined the Court. The Justices are posed in front of red velvet drapes and arranged by seniority, with five seated and four standing…Seated from left are Justices Sonia Sotomayor, Clarence Thomas, Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr., and Justices Samuel A. Alito and Elena Kagan. .Standing from left are Justices Amy Coney Barrett, Neil M. Gorsuch, Brett M. Kavanaugh, and Ketanji Brown Jackson…Credit: Fred Schilling, Collection of the Supreme Court of the United States.

With all the liberal commentators running around with their hair on fire over with SCOTUS granting certiorari on the immunity case I thought I’d give into my contrariness and try to look on the bright side. First though let’s as acknowledge the win Donald Trump has gotten, it now looks very very doubtful that the trial of Donald Trump on his actions of Jan 6 2020 will take place before the Presidential election. Time is just getting two short. That said, here are a couple of positive things to look for when the court finally renders their decision.

The first thing I’m going to be looking for if they rule that Trump does have some kind of immunity for his actions on Jan 6th 2020 is just how much immunity does he, and all current and future presidents have. If they rule he has total immunity I want to see how they do not grant the same immunity to Joe Biden and all other future Presidents. If Donald Trump has total Immunity then it follows that Joe Biden does too. If not, why not. It is not good enough for the court to say that the ruling only applies to this one specific case with out an explanation of why it only apples to Donald Trump. To do otherwise would be an anathema to all MAGAs out there.

I can just see it now, SCOTUS rules that Donald John Trump, and only Donald John Trump has total and complete immunity for his actions as President. SCOTUS’ reputation with the American public took a bad hit with the Dobbs decision last year and to rule that Trump, and only Trump is immune would be so totally raw that it would totally throw the election against MAGA. So I would look for some very fine hair splitting on just why this case is totally unique. For the life of me I can not come up with any reasoning that would work. So let us wait and see just what happens.

I, personally expect SCOTUS to rule that Trump is not immune but the ruling will come down the last week in June. This will be done in the hope that the delay is enough to keep the trial from starting before the election and that the trial court or the DOJ will decide that it is too close to the election to be held so a trial date will be set sometime in November after the election. This leads us right to the fun part of having the President elect going on trial for Insurrection. Which leads us right to if he is convicted, who if anyone, keeps Trump from being sworn in? Again I’m sure SCOTUS is very aware of this and they are aware just how much blame the public will assign to them for all the trouble that will happen. I can see the security at the Capitol if it happens. Boggles the mind.

An just how is this last thing positive? Just this; No mater how the Court rules, they have just stepped in it. They have managed to get both moderates and liberals aware of the fact that SCOTUS maters to them. Personally! That means they are going to be paying attention to who is on the court and how they are ruling. This is something conservatives in general and MAGA in particular will despise. I look forward to the next SCOTUS vacancy and the hearings for the replacement. An since we can expect any nominee to decline to answer questions on how they might rule in the future we can look forward to an even closer scrutiny of their writings and if they were/are judges how they ruled in cases that could apply. Again something conservatives in general and MAGA in particular will not like. Personally I’d like to see the rejection of any candidate who does not have a track record on the expected issues to come before the court. I’d even like to see that anyone who is on the Heritage Foundation list of acceptable candidates to be subject to very close scrutiny.

Finally I look for the US Senate to change it’s rules so that there is a time limit only how long a nomination for the Court can be held up when the Senate is in session so we no long have what happed back in 2016. But those thoughts are for another posting.

Why the Colorado 14th Amendment case should be watched by all

Constitution and the Flag of the United States
Constitution of the United States

There has been a great deal of talk about the several cases trying to remover and/or keep Donald J. Trump’s name off of the Ballot next year. Most of the talk has been about Trump being kept out of the elect, to prevent him from being elected President once again. A while this is very important it may not be the most significant issues to be decided in these cases. I would like to place just a few of the “lesser” issues that I have been shown by the “legal eagles” out there. They are not given in any particular order. Just as they come to mind as I write this. Also as the Colorado case is the first in the Que I will just be talking about it.

Above I am sharing the Section (AKA “Clause”) that is what is in question. Next please remember that what is really going to be argued about is both a question of fact and questions of definition or meaning. With just a dash of intent. This last point I’m not going to address here. What we are going to be looking at is just what this Am

To me one of the most interesting questions brought up is “Is the President an Officer of the United States”? A before you go, “Of course he/she is.” The Constitution does not explicitly say the President and/or the Vice President are “Officers of the United States”. Just take a moment to look at the arguments for why he/she may not be. There are many arguments to be made and the one being used by many is the ‘Textualism Doctrine’ view. While I have many disagreements with this Doctrine here my problem is with the idea that if something is not explicitly in the Constitution then the federal government has no authority over it. This is often know as the “Constitution Stands Silent” principle. And it is very tricky to use.

First there is the problem that in the modern world there are a great many thing that were not even dreamed of when the Constitution and/or its Amendments were first written. Just to name three we have “railroads”, “Air travel”, and “electrical communications (radio, telegraph, internet, etc”. None of these common everyday things in the modern world existed when Just take a moment to look at the arguments for why he/she may not be. Railroads were not around when the constitution and the first 10 amendments were adopted. Maned flight was around when a majority of the Amendments were adopted. An the internet was just a wild dream in some SF writers minds in 1971when the latest Amendment was adopted. Does this mean that the Federal government has no power over them? Do we leave it all up to the States? What about when they cross State borders?

An those are just the start of the questions that need to be addressed. That is why I take the position that looking at the actual text is just a starting point and why the “Stands Silent” doctrine needs careful handing. What needs to be asked is “Why does the Constitution stand silent?” Three things need to be addressed

  1. Did the Authors know or could have known about the subject at hand?
  2. If yes to one, is there any evidence that the Authors deliberately ignored the subject?
  3. Is there any reason to think that the subject had already adequately covered in the text?

These are just three of the questions that need to be addressed, I am sure you can think of more.

Finally I’d like to point out that the Authors of the Constitution and it’s Amendments were are all well educated, well read, thoughtful people. You can take it for granted that they didn’t do something just for giggles, even when we see things now that make no sense. (I’m thinking of the 3/4ths clause). With just a little digging you can usually find good reason for why it was done. (Agian the 3/4ths clause). So when you see an interpretation of the Constitution that makes no sense, that is a good indicator of bad reasoning. This is my position on saying that the President and Vice President are Officers of the United States. To say everyone in the Executive Branch, except the President and Vice President are “Officers of the United States”, on the face of it, makes little to know sense.

Next time my take on the Originalist take of the question.

Some Observations on the House of Representatives

The House of Representatives in Session.

I thought I’d be a nice guy and give the U.S. House of Representatives a chance to actually get itself in order by electing a new Speaker but it looks like it is not going to happen anytime soon. The problem, as I see it, for the GOP House caucus is both simple and complex. It is simple in that the fundamental issues are easy to identify and define. It is complex because there is no easy way to resolve conflicts between these issues.

The first issue I’m going to identify is the newest and least expected. The major the GOP caucus has in the house is microscopic only three votes over the 218 needed to elect a speaker and only 9 more that the Democrats. This tight a margin makes for difficult going for any political leader but it is especially difficult if the party is badly fractured like the Republicans in the House currently are.

This brings us to the next issue facing the GOP, it is a badly divided party and the Republicans has historically not dealt with competing political factions well. Ever since its founding in the 1850’s the Republican Party has usually had a dominant faction that controls the party. This dominate faction then makes deals with either the minority faction(s) in it’s own caucus or, failing that, the could find the votes they needed south of the Mason/Dixon line in the Democratic Party (note: I call this strategy the Dixiecrat strategy). The few time this strategy was either not used or did not work the Democrats could gain control. The Dixiecrat strategy stopped working once the new “Nixon Southern Strategy was adopted in the late 60’s early 70’s.

Still things could, and did, be made to work in the House but then came the Newt Gingrich Revolution and the concept of constant conflict as the way to get things done in the House. An while this strategy work a little in the house it did not play well with the Senate.

So now we come to that one of the biggest mistakes made, the idea that Politics can be successfully modeled using ‘Zero Sum’ game theory. This is a very seductive idea because it looks so simple. The problem is that you can end up worse off using a game theory that is incorrect than you can using the correct game theory a loose. Also most people who just have a casual understanding of Zero Sum game theory is that it has one deadly trap, there are actually three results possible. You can Win, you can loose and you can end in a draw. Even worse is that given the rules of the game you can end up where ending is a draw is the most likely result. Don’t believe me, talk with a ‘rated’ chess player.

An now to the last issue, seeing your opponent as the embodiment of everything you despise. This can be expressed as anything “D” touches we have to oppose. This is the death knell to getting anything done in a democratic polity where compromise is the name of the game.

So that is where the Republicans in the House find themselves. They have a small (45) subgroup (the Freedom Caucus) that is to the extreme right of the party and they see everything in a win/loose view. Worse yet they see it as if ‘they win’ I have to have lost. Next the majority of the Republicans in the House have very little to trade away to the Democrats and nothing that doesn’t mater much to their local base. So we end up with game after game after game in a draw, but what is worse is that the larger game, that game of running the country is about to be lost.

Next Posting: Thought experiment “What happens if the congress can not function for 6/12/18 months?”

Another Thought Experiment

NAZI American Flag
NAZI American Flag

Just for fun, let us try to think about the structure an Authoritarian United States would look like. I’m not talking about how it would come about, nor what life would be like but what the government and formal structure would look like. An yes this is a nerdie Political Science experiment.

First some rules:

  1. No magic, nor any fantastic science can be used. So no ancient evil demons or gods. No mind controlling computers.
  2. Keep the changes as clean and simple as possible. So no writing a completely new constitution. Amendments are ok, but no replacing whole articles with totally new text.
  3. Don’t get rid of the States. Yes you can reduce or remove their power but they have to still exist and function to some degree.
  4. You have to show how it would work. Think of how you would explain our current system to someone who has never heard of the USA.

Now I know a some few of you say this is not possible but I would like to point out that Caesar Augustus did this to the Roman Republic two thousand years ago. So think about what offices need to be changed and how. What changes to the three branches would need to be made? How they work together? Who controls what and when. How would you change things to get the several states to fall in line and do as they are told.

So lets get to it!