Three Weeks and Counting

It is getting down to the wire and I just want to urge everyone to get your vote cast. Don’t believe all the “Bull Shit” out in cyber space about your not vote being counted. If you don’t know the source you are getting the information from and they have demonstrated both there trust worthiness and accuracy don’t believe it. Also you don’t have to vote on everything on the ballot, just one issue or candidate is just fine.

So how do you know if a source trust worthy? There are several ways. I like sources that I have seen to correct themselves, that admit they made a mistake. I also have a tendency to distrust sources that keep telling me how trustworthy they are. Another way to find out is if they give not just one or two sides of an issue, but all or almost all sides and if they leave some sides out they tell you why.

On a more personal note, for my fellow Californians Here is a useful tip I have used since 1972 (my first election) for deciding on how to vote on Propositions/Initiatives. Read the proposed law and both the arguments for and against. If, after that, you don’t understand what it is going to do, what effect it will have, who it will effect, then vote No.

That’s all for now.

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